Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Oppose the Devil (5:02) Lesson 24

Transcript: Oppose the Devil.
[A man and woman walking down a dirt road, the hear a cell phone ring. She reaches into her purse and answers the call. Then, puts her hand up to stop the man from speaking]
Emma’s Husband: Emma and I were so worried about her Bible study, Palesa. She had spent another sleepless night after again hearing her dead grandmother’s voice, plus the sound of slamming doors and items crashing in the house.
[They walk to Palesa’s house. As Palesa opens the door, she’s clutching her robe and the two women hug. Sitting at the kitchen table, the women talk. He looks around]
Palesa had put an amulet on her baby’s wrist for protection, but the terror continued all night long.
[Baby shakes toy with amulet on her wrist]
Of course, it wasn’t really her grandmother, and nothing in the house was broken; but the attack was real.
[Examining the room, he looks around, tilts his head, and his eyebrows cringe together]
Stories about the spirit world weren’t new to me.
[He drives a car]
Our neighbors, the people I work with, the people in our territory, almost everyone believes in spirits, whether they admit it or not. No, more than believe, they fear them!
[Parked in front of a street market]
I had only been studying the Bible about six months longer than Palesa.
[He looks around the market]
But my study had proved to me that wicked spirits are here on earth, that they try to interact with people, and that they are dangerous enemies.
[Wide-eyes man sits with skull, bags, and jars]
Emma called the elders for help. She didn’t want us to handle the situation on our own.
[Emma gets in the car, and they leave. In living room two elders speak with the couple and Palesa]
As Emma told the story, I had to speak up and tell the elders that she was leaving things out.
[Scooting forward, excitedly he gestures]
But I was surprised when the elders said they didn’t need all the details. They explained that while we are aware of the danger the demons pose, we do not spend time talking about their activities. Even Jesus, when he was on earth, could have told his disciples many stories about the doings of wicked spirits,
[he nods]
but instead, he focused on Jehovah and His activities. We should do the same instead of telling stories about what the demons may or may not have done. The elders skilfully used the Bible, shepherding everyone. We read Ephesians 6:11: Put on the complete suit of armor from God “so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil.”
[Ancient Roman soldier gets ready]
Those instructions were so important.
He laces up his sandals]
A soldier would be vulnerable if he only wore part of his armor or if he didn’t keep it in good repair.
[As he lifts his metal breastplate, the shoulder strap breaks]
Then we read Ephesians 4:27: Do not give the Devil an opportunity.
[Emma shares her Bible with Palesa]
The elders explained to Palesa that the string around her daughter’s wrist is not part of the armor from God. Instead, it is giving Satan an opportunity to continue to harass the family.
[Elder hands the brochure of the road to everlasting life]
The brothers reminded us that anyone who wants Jehovah’s protection must completely break free from anything associated with superstition, spiritism, and demon worship. Who would ever choose to side with wicked spirits instead of with Jehovah?
[They look through it and all bow their heads in prayer]
Emma reminded Palesa of how urgent the situation was. But only Palesa could decide what she would do.
[Palesa reads her Bible at home, prays, then lifts her head. She lays her sleeping baby down and removes the amulet from her wrist. At a wood-burning stove, she lifts off the top cooking plate and drops the amulet into the flames. In his home that evening]
I want to be a loyal servant of Jehovah. That’s why I’m getting baptized.
[Watching TV]
I’ve decided not to listen to or tell any more stories about the demons.
[He sips coffee]
But more than that, I need to look at other parts of my life. Am I doing anything that would “give the Devil an opportunity”? Clearly, there are still changes I need to make.
[He turns off the TV and walks away]
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