Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Why Does God Allow Suffering? Excerpt (3:07) Lesson 26

Transcript: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
[Text: Why Does God Allow Suffering? Smoke rises from a devastated city, buildings collapsed, and windows broken. A man sits in rubble. He looks up despondently into the sky from his roofless home]
Presenter: Why does God allow suffering? Jehovah God didn’t intend for humans to suffer.
[Text: Genesis 1:28, 31]
On the contrary, he gave the first human couple a wonderful start.
[Adam and Eve surrounded by lush greenery]
But Satan, a rebel angel,
[The devil looks down]
called God a liar and influenced the first humans to reject God’s authority.
[Devil looks up over his shoulder]
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they chose to follow Satan.
[Text: Genesis 3:1-6]
They rebelled against Jehovah and decided for themselves what was right and wrong.
[Eve offers Adam a piece of fruit and he accepts it]
Was Satan correct?
[They are cast out of the garden]
Could humans rule themselves successfully without help from God?
[Into darkness]
Time would be needed to settle the crucial issues raised by the rebels.
[In a classroom]
To illustrate: A rebellious student claims that the teacher’s method of instruction is wrong. He insists that he knows a much better way.
[Classmates turn to look as he challenges]
Some students think that he is right, and they also become rebellious.
[The student’s smirk, arms crossed]
What should the teacher do?
[Teacher writes on the blackboard]
He has the authority to reprimand the rebellious students. But what effect would that choice have on the other students? They may lose respect for the teacher, thinking that he is afraid of being proved wrong.
[Students watch]
But suppose the teacher allows the student to show the class his method.
[Teacher uses chalk to student]
Then it would be proved to all present who is qualified to teach.
[The frustrated student repeatedly attempts an equation. When the bell rings, he drops his head and shoulders and bangs his fists down. The teacher erases the board]
Jehovah has done something similar to what the teacher does. When Satan challenged Jehovah,
[Devil points up]
millions of angels were watching.
[Text: Job 1:6]
How Jehovah handled the rebellion would greatly affect all those angels and eventually all intelligent creation.
[Angels look down]
Knowing this, Jehovah allowed Satan to rule this world for a time.
Satan’s rule has caused untold pain and suffering.
[Text: 1 John 5:19]
However, once Jehovah’s right and ability to rule is established beyond any doubt,
[Poverty and war]
Jehovah will undo all the damage caused by Satan’s rebellion.
[Text Revelation 21:4]
At that time, only people who choose to follow God’s standards will inhabit the earth.”
[Text: Psalm 37:29] [In paradise, by a sparkling stream, a woman and two children approach a man who sits and reads. The little girl excitedly runs up to him. He stands and joyfully lifts her into the air]
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