Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Why Did Jesus Die? Part 1 (2:01) Lesson 27

Transcript: Why Did Jesus Die? Part 1
[Text: Why Did Jesus Die? A funeral procession]
Presenter: Billions of people have died throughout history. But the death of one person stands alone, that of Jesus Christ.
[Jesus hanging on a stake]
Why did he die? Did his death have a purpose? To find the answer, we need to go back to the beginning of human history.
[The garden of Eden]
The Bible explains that God created the man Adam perfect, without sin. He was free to eat from all the trees in the garden of Eden, except one. God gave the simple command not to eat from that particular tree.
[Text: Genesis 2:15-17]
This tree symbolized God’s right to set the standards of good and bad. As long as Adam remained obedient to Jehovah, he had the prospect of living forever on a paradise earth. But Adam did not appreciate all the good things God had done for him.
[Eve gave Adam a fruit]
He chose to disobey God.
[He bites the fruit]
As a result, he lost the opportunity to live forever.
[Text: Genesis 3:17-19]
But he was not the only one affected. All of his descendants have inherited the fatal effects of sin.
[Text: Romans 5:12]
By themselves, humans could not break free from sin and death. They needed someone to rescue them.
[The funeral procession]
For this reason, Jehovah miraculously caused one of his perfect spirit sons to come to earth as a human.”
[Within the Universe, the earth shifts forward]
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