Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Why Did Jesus Die? Part 2 (2:00) Lesson 27

Transcript: Why Did Jesus Die? Part 2
Presenter: Jesus was a perfect man, just as Adam had been. However, unlike Adam, Jesus remained obedient. This allowed him “to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many.”
[Text: Matthew 20:18]
But how could the death of one man benefit all of mankind?
[A factory building]
Well, imagine that the manager of a large factory steals money from the company.
[A manager takes money from a safe and puts it in his briefcase]
His actions plunge the company into debt, forcing it to shut down.
[Man pulls a lever at the factory. The lights go out]
The workers lose their jobs and cannot pay their bills. Many suffer because of that one man’s corruption.
[Rows of houses, the lights go out]
Now suppose a kind and generous man feels sorry for all those who are suffering.
[A man contemplates as e closes his newspaper]
He is moved to pay off the debt and reopen the company.
[The gates slide open. Factory workers enter. The factory in full operation]
By cancelling that one debt, he brings relief to all the employees and their families.
[Rows of houses, lights turn on]
Adam is like that corrupt manager. When he rebelled, he incurred a large debt of sin and passed it on to his children.
[Text: Romans 5:19]
Jesus is like the generous man. When he gave up his perfect human life, he paid off the debt of sin and reopened the prospect of living forever for each of us.
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