Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Jesus Resurrects Lazarus (1:16) Lesson 30

Transcript: Jesus resurrects Lazarus
[On a train, a conductor wakes a sleeping passenger. The passenger checks his watch and looks surprised]
Presenter: “Just as a person can be awakened from a deep sleep, the Bible shows that it is possible to be awakened from death. Jesus did just that for his friend Lazarus.
[Text: John 11: 43, 44] [Jesus stretches out his arm]
Lazarus had been dead for four days. If some part of Lazarus had survived his death and gone to heaven, would Jesus take him out of heaven and force him to live on earth again? No. Lazarus was asleep in the grave.
[Lazarus stands up]
Jesus gave him back his life and reunited him with his family.
[Hugs his sisters]
The Bible promises a time when many people will be resurrected from the dead, just as Lazarus was. Jesus spoke of this wonderful hope when he said: “The one who exercises faith in me, “even though he dies, will come to life.”
[Text: John 11:25] [On an outdoor deck, a man gestures to his wife as she steps forward to a young woman the two women joyfully embrace]
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