Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
The Resurrection Hope Imparts Courage. How? (3:21) Lesson 30

Transcript: The Resurrection Hope Imparts Courage. How?
[A young girl with red hair wearing a butterfly print blouse snuggles and giggles with her mother. Later, as she sits on her father’s lap, she playfully whisks his hair. Now on a balcony, she gazes thoughtfully. Text: Ben and Veronica Sneesby. Australia]
Veronica: Phelicity was a bright, vibrant little girl.
Ben: She was a beautiful kid, she really was. She embraced the fact that she was ill.
Veronica: She was confident and courageous, knowing that Jehovah would resurrect her.
Ben: Phelicity really enjoyed the privilege of being invited to share in the February broadcast of 2016. But sadly, just a few weeks later, Phelicity passed away. When you watch a child die in her mother’s arms, it’s the most saddening thing you’ll ever see.
Veronica: The pain and the sting of death is so strong.
[In grief she closes her eyes]
But after some time, as time goes by, the sting starts to fade a little bit into, ‘I just really miss that person.’
Ben: Simple things like setting the table, that’s when you need courage. There’s one less plate, one less fork, one less knife, one less seat.
Veronica: On the day that Phelicity died, the account of Jairus’ daughter actually helped Ben and I as parents.
[Reading Bible]
Ben: At that moment, when he was told that his daughter had died, I know how he felt. And yet Jesus said: ‘Do not fear.’ His daughter wasn’t dead. She was just asleep. After Phelicity died, we went to the very next meeting.
[Kingdom Hall]
Many of our friends, they didn’t know what to say. But they did the most important thing ever, they offered a warm embrace.
Veronica: The friends in our Kingdom Hall are like family to us. They really protected us; they comforted us. Sometimes, there would be cards.
[She reads a card]
Ben: The hardest thing for us to do after Phelicity died was to look at the resurrection hope during our family worship.
Veronica: Our children lost their sister and their friend. We were able to see the benefit, especially when we heard their private prayers at night-time. They would make expressions about the resurrection hope, and how they knew that Phelicity was safe in Jehovah’s memory.
Ben: Phelicity often said that she felt the best when she was in the ministry because she didn’t focus on her own illness. And since she’s died, we can truly understand what she meant by that.
[She conducts a study]
Veronica: Our experience with losing Phelicity has actually given us the ability to comfort other people. So, when we’re in the field and we meet people who have lost someone they love, we feel better equipped emotionally and spiritually to be able to strengthen others.
[The family in the ministry]
Ben: The expansion of our ministry has been something that we’ve really enjoyed. It keeps our minds occupied and keeps the hope more real to us. Of course, there’s always a pain that won’t go away until we get Phelicity back. But we put it in its place. We allow it to energize our family to do the things that Jehovah wants us to do. The resurrection hope is real; it’s going to happen. We just have to be patient.
[On a beach, with their three daughter and a dog, they stroll barefoot. As Ben and Veronica Walk arm in arm, their dog runs after a ball and the youngest girl cartwheels on the sand] (Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2018 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)