Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
A Glimpse Into a Wonderful Future (4:38) Lesson 33

Transcript: A Glimpse into a Wonderful Future.
[In the Garden of Eden, Eve gazes at a piece of fruit. She offers it to Adam]
Presenter: With one act of defiance, mankind became lost,
[They are cast out the garden]
“Alienated from the life that belongs to God.”
[Adam and Eve grow old]
Sin and death have become inescapable for every human born on earth,
[A funeral procession, images of men and women throughout the ages]
with the exception of one, Jesus Christ.
[A profile of Jesus’ face]
He used his God-given powers to heal sicknesses,
[He gently touches a man’s shoulder]
feed thousands
[Baskets of bread and fish]
he even resurrected people back to life.
[He resurrects a young girl]
Jesus performed many miracles while on earth. But are they simply a collection of stories from the past or clues to something far grander
[The shoreline of a lush tropical island]
a glimpse into a wondrous future,
[In a house, parents open large windows as two young boys excitedly run up to watch a giraffe. A man and boy walk through a field surrounded by mountains and blue skies. Women laugh as the pick tangerines together]
a future where God will “satisfy the desire of every living thing,”
[An outdoor buffet with fruits and vegetables]
the “real life” that God promises to each of his faithful servants?
[A white horse gallops in the sunshine down a grassy hill. A man carries a cluster of bananas on his shoulder. A beaming boy leads a playful white horse, followed by two grey elephants. A woman with a flower in her hair smiles joyfully. Two young men bound into crystal clear waters by a waterfall, making a splash. On a porch by the ocean, a little girl in a wheelchair looks down, she slowly moves her small toes. Now, only the wheelchair is on the porch, slightly rolling backwards. The girl is sprinting down the beach with her friends, hair beating back into the ocean breeze. She grins from ear to ear as she runs. As the sunsets on a beach, resurrected ones emerge out of the distance. Overcome with emotion, two women embrace tightly]
But how can this beautiful future be possible?
[A man strolls alone through a shaded, serene forest]
Because of what Jesus did for us. He came to earth for a purpose.
[Mary and Joseph hold the newborn Jesus. Jesus drags his torture stake up dusty stone steps]
He gave his life for those he loved.
[Faces of distressed onlookers watch as he struggles to carry the load. Officers harshly shout, abuses and insults at him. A large, square-headed nail is hammered into Jesus’ hands. They flail with every stroke. An officer solemnly watches rope slide through his hands as the torture stake is lowered into a hole. Jesus’ body hangs before onlookers]
The curse of inherited sin and death could now be lifted from each one of us.
[Back on the tropical island, the two little boys with their parents cheerfully ascend stairs outside, dad carrying a basket full of colourful flowers. From a large, outdoor brick oven, a man uses a bread shovel to retrieve a steamy, crisp loaf of bread. A group of men and women delightedly converse around an outdoor table overflowing with fruits]
[Text: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6]
[As king, Jesus glimmers in the heavens, warmly smiling as he reaches his hand down]
If we look intently to Jesus, we will no longer be lost.
[Hand in hand, a couple admire the tropical shoreline]
He will show us the way “to the Father.”
[They walk in the sunset as the ocean waves gently wash onto the shore. The man with the cluster of bananas smiles widely and gestures to others to follow]
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