Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
What Contributes to Joy? A Clean Conscience (2:32) Lesson 36

Transcript: What Contributes to Joy? A Clean Conscience.
At the factory, Ben approaches a man who is using a computer to run a large machine]
Ben: Hey, Javi.
Javi: Hey, Ben. How are you doing?
Ben: Good. How’s the job going?
Javi: Oh, the machine is running great! Ben, I did have a question on the specs for the Harrison job. Can we take a quick look?
Ben: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Uh, let’s see here.
[Ben struggles to hold his coffee mug and open his folder]
Javi: You need a hand?
Ben: No, I’m good. I just . . .
[His coffee spills all over the computer, sparks fly, and smoke rises]
Oh, no!
[Another coworker comes over]
Colleague: What happened, guys?
[The machine grinds to a halt as the three men stare with mouths wide open]
Ben: We got, we got to do something!
Colleague: Um, disconnect . . .
Ben: OK. Yeah,
Javi: yeah, get it going.
[In an empty back room, the lights click on. The three men wheel in the computer and hunch over it as one of them checks it]
Colleague: Dead, I’m pretty sure it’s dead.
[Ben closes his eyes and puts his hands on his head]
Javi: I would just say that it stopped working.
Colleague: Whatever you do, don’t tell Victor what happened.
[Through the door's windowpane, they see a red -bearded man who is holding him up and staring at them. He walks away]
Javi: We just got this set up last month.
Ben: Why would it just stop working?
Colleague: It could happen.
[Ben leans over the computer]
Ben: Oh, you can actually smell the coffee.
[Ben shakes his head]
I’ll talk to Victor.
Javi: Don’t throw yourself under the bus, Man! We’ll help you get this cleaned up. No one will have to know.
Colleague: This is one of the most expensive units in the shop. If you take the blame, you’re just making yourself look bad.
Ben: No. It’s OK. It was a mistake. I’ll explain it. We need to get this back online.
[Ben walks out of the room as his co-workers shake their heads. The red -bearded man watches as Ben walks toward Victor's office. Outside Victor's door, Ben briefly closes his eyes and lowers his head. Ben enters the office and speaks with Victor. Victor leans back in his chair and puts his hands on his head. They keep talking, shake hands, and Ben leaves the office]
In the end, I think Victor actually appreciated my honesty.
[Outside the factory, Ben is sitting with the lunchbox]
And he wasn’t the only one.
[The red -bearded man approaches Ben]
Mark had some questions,
[Ben shows Mark something on his cell phone]
and we had a great discussion.
[They shake hands]
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