Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Be “Content With the Present Things” (3:20) Lesson 37

Transcript: Be Content with the Present Things.
[Outside, a man lifts the door off a large brick oven and retrieves a sheet of baked bread with a long bread shovel. Text: Ángel Marcelino Zaragoza. Mexico]
Ángel: The biggest challenge for me and my family has been illness, not having enough money to pay for the treatment we need. Each week I have to save up enough money just to feed my family.
[Cooking in a skillet over a fire pit, he adds sticks to the flames. Text: Lester Manuel. Philippines]
Lester: We were deeply saddened by our situation. First, it was a challenge for us to make ends meet because I didn’t have a regular job.
[With solemn faces, his wife, young son and daughter sit by his side]
I also worried about how my children would suffer if we did not have sufficient food and other material needs.
[In a small, dark kitchen, his wife washes dishes in a plastic bowl. Their son gnaws on a piece of sugarcane. Ángel leads a donkey through a cornfield]
Ángel: I began to think that moving to another country was the only way to provide for my family. As 1 Timothy 5:8 says, it is my responsibility to support them.
[Sitting on a stone step outside, surrounded by tropical foliage Ángel reads a large Bible, then later, relaxed in a wicker chair inside]
What kept me from moving to another country is my love for Jehovah and for my family. As Philippians 1:10 says, we should “make sure of the more important things,” and for my family, our spirituality is very important.
[Sitting outside, Ángel and his family have family worship. Holding hands and sitting on the floor with their Bibles, Lester and his wife pray and smile at each other]
Lester’s wife: The fine advice of an elder strengthened me.
[In a small sunlight room]
He asked, “Does Jehovah only shower blessings abroad?”
[Lester studies the young people ask book with his family. As his wife speaks, her eyes fill with tears]
I remember what he said. From then on, I realized that the most important thing in life is our spirituality, not the material things that we can get from this world, for it will also vanish.”
[Helping his son put on a tie]
Ángel: A great blessing has been keeping our family united and happy despite our difficult situation. I serve as a ministerial servant and an auxiliary pioneer. My daughter, Fátima, is a regular pioneer. Without a doubt, Jehovah blesses our efforts.
[Handing a bag of bread to a brother they shake hands and embrace]
Giving makes me happy. Other brothers and sisters go through times of need just as we do. Thinking of this helps me to focus, not on my problems, but rather on our brotherhood and Jehovah.
[Now Lester and his family in the ministry]
Lester’s wife: I am deeply convinced that we made the right decision as a family. And now we are very happy despite having little materially because I feel content.
[She buys food at a market and with her family, they bring it to an elderly couple at their home]
They say: If you are content, you are rich. And the scripture says it is “Jehovah that makes one rich, and He adds no pain with it.”
[On a table, modest portions of fish, meat kebabs, sauce, vegetables, and bananas]
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