Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Value Life as God Does (5:00) Lesson 38

Transcript: Value Life as God Does
[Walking through a park, a woman chuckles as she watches a little girl run with a pink kite behind her]
Thomas’s Wife: When Thomas and I first learned I was pregnant, we were both really shocked.
[After adjusting a rocking chair, Thomas and his wife step back to view their nursery]
But then we grew more and more excited.
[Thomas playfully shakes a stuffed animal at his wife, and she laughs]
And we were so thrilled when we saw our little girl for the first time.
[During an ultrasound, they ecstatically beam as they look at the monitor. Thomas claps his hands and does the sign of the cross]
We really didn’t care if it was a boy or a girl; we just wanted the baby to be healthy.
[Later, Thomas’s parents nod and smile as they hold the ultrasound image. Then Thomas sits close to his wife, wrapping his arm around her. Now, at a medical clinic, they sit in a waiting area, both looking at their watches, then each other]
Unfortunately, our hopes were completely destroyed when the doctor told us that the baby would likely be born with severe problems and could even die.
[As the Doctor speaks, Thomas closes his eyes, deeply inhaling. His wife lowers her face into her hand sobbing. At home, Thomas makes a phone call]
My husband and his parents are not Jehovah’s Witnesses, but they do feel abortion is wrong.
[Holding a tissue, his wife solemnly stares at the ultrasound photo. At their home, Thomas’s father speaks on the phone, shaking his head]
Still, they thought that we should listen to our doctor’s advice.
[Still on the phone, Thomas deeply breathes and drops his head]
I couldn’t believe this was happening. I even questioned why Jehovah would allow it.
[In their nursery]
I really felt it was more than I could bear.
[Thomas holding the stuffed animal sits by his wife]
Thomas asked me what I wanted to do, and I told him that I could never have an abortion. He agreed that normally it would be wrong but felt that in our situation God would understand.
[Thomas drops his face into his hand]
I was so overwhelmed. I was being pressured to make a decision I knew was wrong but that everyone was telling me was best for my child.
[Now holding the stuffed animal, Thomas’ wife sits alone outside]
I had never felt so alone.
[Lifting her face and eyes upward, she slowly exhales]
I needed Jehovah more than ever, so I poured out my heart to him in prayer.
[She bows her head in earnest prayer]
And then I did research.
[Later, sitting at a desk on a laptop, she types in ‘Watchtower Online Library’ searching key phrases and selects an article. Slightly leaning back, her eyes narrow. Now, sitting on a couch with Thomas, she opens a Bible. Learning forward, he carefully listens as she speaks]
I showed Thomas the scripture I had found.
[In Bible times, a city marketplace bustles with people. A man holding a basket turns around, bumping into another man. Aggressively, he grips the other man’s shoulders and the two begin violently shoving each other, colliding into a pregnant woman]
“If men should struggle with each other and they hurt a pregnant woman
[Falling on to her back she weeps]
if a fatality does occur, then you must give life for life.” Jehovah views even the unintentional killing of an unborn child as a serious sin. So how could we intentionally take the life of our child?
[Exhaling through pursed lips, Thomas eyes widen. Now, back at the clinic]
I made my decision clear to our doctor
[Thomas’ wife hands a publication on abortion to the Doctor, holding her hand, Thomas nods in agreement]
and to my in-laws.
[Thomas’s parents hug and console him and his wife]
There was a chance the diagnosis was incorrect, and I’d love to say that’s what occurred.
[Back at the park]
but it did not. My daughter Chloe only lived a few weeks after she was born and losing her was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure. But Jehovah gave me the courage to explain my beliefs to my husband, my in-laws, and the medical staff, and they all expressed admiration for my strong faith. And I’ve never regretted the decision I made.
[Watching children play]
Even though Chloe only lived those few weeks, I’m so grateful for the time I had with her. I know Jehovah remembers every detail about her, and he’ll give her back to me in the resurrection in perfect health, because all life is truly precious in his eyes.
[At home, she warmly smiles at a photo of her and Thomas holding their baby Chloe]
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