Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Flee From Immorality (5:06) Lesson 41

Transcript: Flee from Immorality
[A turquoise clock shows 7:30. Bread pops up from a toaster. Mom shuffles through outfits on hangers, coffee brews. Carrying her purse in a stack of papers, Mom quickly walks into the kitchen]
Jin: Mom has been working hard lately, but I wish she worked harder for Jehovah.
[Smiling, Jin holds up the daily text]
I try to help out where I can.
[Her eyes widen, and she waves her hand before hurrying towards the door. Jin holds up her cell phone and laughing she scurries back grabbing it]
Jin: Oh, by the way, I’m Jin.
[He washes dishes]
Every day starts the same.
[At a high school]
I grab a drink of water.
[At a fountain]
I say hi to Jun (he’s in my congregation)
[Gives friend high-five in stairwell]
and then
[Approaches lockers]
there’s Mee-Kyong.
[Teenage girl]
OK. Here we go. I say hello, she says something clever,
[She steps closer]
and I try to leave. So, this is different.
[She smiles and tilts her head]
She’s having trouble in math and needs my help.
[After closing his locker, he looks at her and pulls out his phone]
I don’t want to be rude, but
[She grabs his hand and firmly pulls it toward her]
if I help her with her homework, how far could the relationship develop?
[Looking solemn]
How do you say no to a girl like her?
[He looks to the right, then down as he speaks. Now, wearing a suit and tie on a sidewalk in the city his phone vibrates. Seeing a notification from Mee-Kyong, he quickly lowers the phone. Pauses in thought, then glances at the phone again. He clicks a button to add her contact then begins smiling as he scrolls through her selfies. Imagining her standing by the lockers, he approaches her. At the Kingdom Hall during a meeting, he walks the mic]
Why can’t I get her out of my head?
[After a sister comment, he receives the mic and walks towards the back of the hall when his phone vibrates. Pulling out his phone he sees three photo notifications from Mee-Kyong. After clicking to open them, his eyes widen. When he quickly paces towards the front of the hall with the mic, his uncle focuses on him. Now, at home, he greets uncle and auntie]
Things are always better when Uncle and Auntie are around.
[Mom cheerfully greets auntie]
Even Mom makes sure she’s home for “dinner and broadcast” night.
[After the broadcast, they happily converse when Jin’s phone lights up and three messages from Mee-Kyong appear on the screen. Now, cleaning the kitchen]
Uncle wants to work together in service this weekend; maybe that will help clear my head.
[Enthusiastic Jin smiles as he speaks with uncle. In the ministry, Jin and uncle walk outside and preach to a man at a bus stop. Now, waiting at a crosswalk, Jin’s phone vibrates. Pulling it out, he stares at the screen, then looks up, imagining Mee-Kyong broadly smiling at him. Quickly, he turns to uncle, speaks, then looks back toward the empty street. Uncle continues to talk and smile. Jin takes a deep breath before they both cross the street]
Jehovah must be disappointed in me.
[At a pizza parlour]
I couldn’t take it anymore. It was difficult, but I told Uncle everything.
[Uncle puts down his pizza]
I felt guilty that,
[Uncle nods]
I knew I shouldn’t, but I liked the attention.
[Smiling, uncle pulls out his tablet]
We read Genesis 39:7-12.
[Jin intently peers at the verses]
I knew the account about Potiphar’s wife, but he mentioned something I hadn’t thought of before.
[Imagines the seductive wife]
He told Potiphar’s wife: How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?
[Text: Genesis 39:9]
But why did Joseph have to flee?
[Joseph firmly waves his hands; no. Potiphar reaches towards him and changes into Mee-Kyong reaching for Jin’s hand]
Joseph fought her every day, but she wasn’t going to give up.
[Joseph runs away]
In her mind, it wasn’t a question of if but when.
[Uncle explains]
There came a point when he had to flee.
[Jin reaches for his phone and unfollows Mee-Kyong]
I explained why I was ending the relationship,
[Now at school]
but she would not give up.
[At the lockers, she waits for Jin. As she rants, he gets his books and calmly walks past her. Grabbing his arm, she spins him around, but he breaks free and continues to walk]
You know the last thing she said to me? That I was a coward. But she’s wrong.
[Rolls her eyes]
You’re never a coward if you run to Jehovah.
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2019 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)