Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Fight Temptation With Bible Reading (3:02) Lesson 41

Transcript: Fight Temptation with Bible Reading
[On a nightstand by a Bible, a digital clock sounds at 5:45, Jordan hits the clock and switches on a lamp. He shaves as his wife helps their young son pull a shirt over his head. Jordan gives his wife a kiss on the cheek as their son waves bye]
Son: “Bye”
[Coffee in hand, he drives. Wearing an apron, Jordan loads boxes onto a large cart. He mops in a grocery store and shelves food items. At night, he tosses cardboard boxes into a dumpster. Driving in his car, he yawns and rubs his face. He's wearing his wedding ring. Now, at a laundry mat, he unloads clothes from a dryer, shutting the dryer on a small yellow sock he walks away. While peering at a magazine, a woman approaches him holding up the sock. She chuckles as he takes it, smiling they briefly speak. Now at the grocery store, Jordan checks out customers. The same woman in another checkout line spots him. Raising her eyebrows, she excitedly waves and grins. He briefly nods at her and looks back at the groceries as he scans them. She continues to smile as she watches him. Now at the laundry mat, Jordan reads a magazine on a bench. The woman suddenly sits next to him with a big smile. She snatches the magazine, jots something, hands it back to him and walks away. Opening the magazine, he finds a small piece of paper with a phone number on it. Driving in his car]
Jordan: How did I give her the wrong idea? How did I let my guard down? If I see her again, I'll make sure she gets the right message. In the past, I would have witnessed immediately in a situation like that.
[He thanks back]
What changed?
[Remembers when he tiredly sat during family worship]
I've always been busy, but maybe I've let my busy life start to crowd out the important things. Like my Bible reading.
[In his car, he shakes his head in dismay as he ponders]
That night I did some research, and I found Ephesians chapter 5, verse 25. "Husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation." I needed more, though. Verse 26 stood out to me. There it says what Jesus does for the congregation, cleansing it with a bath of water by means of the word. If I'm going to stay morally and spiritually clean, I need to read God's word every day.
[At 5:30 the alarm sounds. Jordan quickly turns it off, grabbing the Bible next to the clock. At the kitchen table, he reads the Bible. In the break room, he draws on a cardboard box with a marker. Decorated boxes shown bouncing in the back seat of his car. At home, their son, dressed as Samson, pushes two towers of the boxes over and dramatically falls onto his parents, who are also dressed in Bible costumes. Later, Jordan reads the Bible storybook to his son. Now, on the couch, sitting with his arm around his wife, they both laugh and talk]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2017 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)