Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Marriage. A Permanent Bond (4:30) Lesson 42

Transcript: Marriage. A Permanent Bond.
[At an upscale restaurant in Africa, a couple smile as a waiter pours champagne in their flute glasses. The husband lifts his glass, saying cheers, and his wife looks down and shakes her head, saying no. He tilts his head in disappointment and sighs. The waiter returns, placing a round cake decorated with real purple flowers. It reads, ‘Happy 15th Anniversary.’]
Wife: How did 15 years go by so fast?
[Back to their wedding day, they sign the marriage license]
We were so young when we got married, maybe too young.
[Taking photos of the newlyweds]
We had so little in common.
[At a movie theatre, she points to an advertisement of a mild romance film. He decidedly points to another ad of a violent war film. He pulls her hand as she tries to dissuade him. Later, he arrives at their apartment during her Bible study]
When I started studying the Bible, I thought Thomas would be as excited as I was to learn the truth.
[As he hangs up his hat and jacket, she waves her hand for him to join the study. But he raises his hand, saying no. Her mouth gapes open as her eyes narrow. Later, they argue as she holds open her Bible]
But every conversation we had on the subject seemed to turn into an argument.
[Raising his hands, he walks off. Then, tossing the Bible down on the bed, she storms out of the room, slamming the door]
Looking back, I really wish I’d handled it better.
[Causing a pair of boxing gloves to fall from the door]
As the years went by, he did become more open to discussion.
[Years later, sitting on the couch, his eyes widen, and he leans in closer as she shares a scripture. Back to their anniversary night. After dinner, they drive in their car, and she gazes at the Kingdom Hall as they pass by. The next morning, at that Kingdom Hall, she sits alone during the meeting]
But it’s been hard worshipping God alone. Others in the congregation are able to serve Jehovah together and even reach out for theocratic goals like the School for Kingdom Evangelizers, something I would love to do.
[watches a happy couple at the meeting]
Why can’t I have a husband who loves Jehovah like I do?
[At home she reads her Bible]
Abigail probably felt the same way but with more reason.
[She meditates. Looking disturbed, Abigail turns her head]
Her husband was a bully and a drunkard and was despised by his entire household.
[Wild eyed, Nabal shouts and overturns a table. A young boy sitting on the ground shields his head. Abigail hurries in, saying a silent prayer at the entrance. Taking a deep breath, she stands erect, walks in, softly puts her hand on the boy’s back and calmly picks up the table and dish]
At that time, many marriages were arranged, so Abigail had very little control over her circumstances.
[Nabal flops back in his chair]
But her words and actions showed that she was a spiritual woman who didn’t focus on what she could not control but on what she could. I determined to do the same. I meditated on Jesus’ words at Matthew 19:6: “What God has yoked together, let no man put apart.”
[Research’s Watchtower Online]
To Jehovah, marriage is permanent , even my marriage to an unbeliever. So instead of dwelling on changing my husband or my marriage, I focused on changing myself.
[Research’s Watchtower Online]
Thomas does not love Jehovah, but he’s not a “Nabal” either.
[Works on motorbike]
He is loyal, and he loves me. He is entitled to the respect that the Bible commands wives to show to their husbands. So, I’m making an effort to be more respectful and loving to him.
[Brings him lemonade]
Thomas hasn’t developed an interest in the truth or started studying. But I have the satisfaction of knowing my God is pleased with me,
[They laugh]
and I have the same view of marriage that he does.
[Sitting together on the couch, she studies a publication while Thomas scrolls on a tablet. When she gets up carrying a bowl out of the room, Thomas curiously looks over at the magazine, picks it up, and begins to look it over. The focus shifts to a photo of the couple smiling on their wedding day]
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