Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
You Can Meet Jehovah’s Standards for Marriage (4:14) Lesson 42

Transcript: You Can Meet Jehovah’s Standards for Marriage.
[Text: Let marriage be honorable among all, and let the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge sexually immoral people and adulterers, Hebrews 13:4. In Africa, a woman stirs food with a long wooden stick]
Woman 1: I didn’t have a problem with polygamy because I too was in a polygamous marriage. And I viewed myself as a good wife; I was the second wife.
Man: I used to work at the mines in Carletonville, South Africa. My family lived in Botswana, in Gaborone. I had a girlfriend, and we had three children. My church didn’t see anything wrong with what I was doing because that was a common practice.
Woman 2: We were just married according to Cambodian tradition.
[In a hut outside, a woman prepares food]
But we never legally registered our marriage.
Woman 1: I got a Bible.
[Reads Bible outside]
What I learned from it really touched me.
[Follows along with a pencil as she reads]
I realized that I was wrong to be in a polygamous marriage.
[Text: Whoever has greater affection for [family] than for me is not worthy of me. Matthew 10:37]
Man 1: The brother who was studying the Bible with me saw a picture of my family. He asked me about the picture, and I told him that it was my girlfriend and my kids. We then studied the lesson which talks about family life, and I realized that I had to make changes in my life.
[Studies ‘Good News’ brochure]
Woman 2: When I wanted to start preaching, I realized that Jehovah requires that we legalize our marriage.
[Heats a large cracker over glowing coals]
I had prayed,
[Text: Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. Isaiah 41:10]
O Jehovah, if you really have drawn me and are pleased with me, please help me get the birth certificate and the money needed to make the trip.
[Clutching her Bible, she tightly closes her eyes and bows her head]
Woman 1: This really troubled me for a very long time.
[Shakes her head]
Another thing that made it difficult to leave him was the fact that I had ten children.
[Photo of all children from infant to adult]
But I saw that loving this man shouldn’t prevent me from becoming someone worthy to God. So, I said, I’m leaving.
[Packs her things]
As for the local community, they would comment about me: This lady is a rebel. She stole a man’s children. But once I did leave, I felt as if something was being lifted off of me.
Man: I went back home and got married to my wife. This enabled me and my family to be together in one place where we could serve Jehovah as a family.
[Text: Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33]
After I quit my job, I spent a whole year unemployed. We planted some vegetables in our yard, and that helped us to get by.
[Planting a garden]
Woman 2: To my surprise, my Bible study conductor called me and invited me to go to Takeo.
[Ride motorbikes]
It’s very far away,
[Dirt roads]
really far! When I mentioned the names of my parents, extended family, and relatives, I was able to get my birth certificate. We submitted an application for a marriage certificate and received it two weeks later.
[Certificate filled out and stamped]
Woman 1: My previous husband eventually became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
[The woman and first wife chat and laugh as they walk]
My best friend now is the first wife from my polygamous marriage.
Man: I’m so proud to see my family serving Jehovah, to see that they love Jehovah, and to see them obeying Jehovah’s laws.
[family singing during family worship]
Woman 2: I eventually got baptized. I also preached to my husband, and he agreed to start studying the Bible.
[Holding hands]
I am really grateful to Jehovah. He is merciful to the poor and to the lowliest, like me. I fully relied on Jehovah, and he made everything happen.
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