Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
I Got Fed Up With My Lifestyle (6:32) Lesson 43

Transcript: I Got Fed Up with My Lifestyle.
[A man in a black coat and scarf walks through snowy streets in a Russian city]
Dmitry: My name is Dmitry Korshunov. I live in the same city where I was born, in Kovrov.
[City buildings]
It is a rural town in central Russia.
[People walk in the snow past shops and buildings in the city, barren trees line the sidewalk]
Dmitry’s Wife Lubov: When I met Dima, I really enjoyed his company, because he was a kind and approachable person, and he was very sincere with me. We met, dated for two years, and then were married. The same year, our daughter was born.
[Text: Reenactment. Parents walk with young daughter]
Dmitry: I worked as an electrician.
[Works wires and electrical box, removing pliers from toolbox]
Since people were poor, frequently they offered to pay with alcohol.
[After speaking with homeowner, man gives him a bottle of clear liquor]
Lubov: When you live with an alcoholic it’s like you live
[Eyes searching]
on an active volcano. Sober, he was a good, kind, attentive husband.
[Talking, they walk arm in arm]
But when he was drunk, he was a completely different person.
[Unsteady, he walks sideways and falls to the ground]
He was angry.
[Shuffles towards the house]
He wouldn’t listen to anything.
[Thumbling, he opens the door. A silhouette of the couple in a window shows Dimitri aggressively gesture than grabs and shakes his wife]
Dmitry: There was a knock at the door.
[Two women at the door]
They asked me to look at the Bible.
[Arms crossed, Dmitry peers at the scripture]
They showed me the reason why there is so much suffering, and why people are afraid to live today.
[Slightly nodding, he takes a magazine. When he walks in the house, he slams it on the counter]
My wife read the whole thing. I saw that she liked it.
Lubov: The next time the women came, I really liked what they told me, especially about God’s promise of the paradise on earth, of people living in happiness on the earth.
[Turns pages in her Bible]
So, I agreed to a Bible study.
Dmitry: Many times, they said, would you like to join us? I’d say, No, I’m not ready for that yet.
[Dmitry shakes his head and leaves the room]
I reached a real breaking point in my life.
[Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighs]
I asked Lubov, ‘What should I do?’
[She rubs his shoulder]
Lubov: So, then I suggested that he read the Bible. He asked me, “What should I start with? I suggested beginning with the book of Matthew.”
Dmitry: I read all night.
[With heavy breaths, he looks into the Bible]
It was like I lived through the events I was reading about, and they touched my heart deeply. It was then that I decided that, until I’ve read the whole Bible, I wouldn’t drink another drop.
[Sitting on the sofa, with his hand on his chin, he ponders]
Lubov: Apparently, it touched his heart so much that he wanted to change, change his way of life, change his behavior.
[He picks up the Bible and intently reads]
And it was a big change, because meanwhile, it was quiet at home.
[From across the room, she watches him as he turns a page in the Bible]
Dmitry: I read the whole Bible and didn’t drink for seven months.
[Pressing his lips together, he pushes a bottle of alcohol away across the table]
I got so fed up with my lifestyle. I could not live like that anymore. I saw from the Bible that there are only two paths,
[Walking outside]
and that I am on the wrong one.
[Approaches a fork in the road]
I pleaded with God and asked him to help me.
Lubov: He had times when he broke off the study and would drink again. So, then, it was difficult to pick up where he left off, to recover, and again study the Bible.”
[Sobbing, he leans his head against a wall] Dmitry: I realized that without God’s help I couldn’t crawl out of this hole, not on my own.
[His shoulders shake]
Lubov: The Bible affected Dima very deeply. Before, I felt that he didn’t think about me at all, that he only remembered that I existed when he needed something. Now, he’s a completely different person. The atmosphere during our family worship is warm, affectionate, and joyful.
[His wife and daughter smile with him]
We can talk with each other about spiritual things, hear each other’s thoughts, understand what each other has inside, how each of us loves Jehovah.
[Dmitry nods as his daughter reads from the Bible]
Dmitry: The joy that I feel every day cannot be surpassed by the temporary enjoyment that comes from drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
[At the Kingdom Hall, he beams as he speaks with others]
My life has changed drastically, and it was Jehovah who influenced me that way. His Word made me into who I am now. That is why I can say that I am happy.
[laughing, with his wife and daughter]
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