Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Tactfully Explain Your Beliefs (2:01) Lesson 44

Transcript: Tactfully Explain Your Beliefs.
[Text: Michiyo Kumagai. Japan]
Michiyo Kumagai: I started studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses when I was 14.
[Pictures from her past as a young woman]
The moment I realized that God did exist, I was so happy and prayed, saying: “I just assumed you didn’t exist. Please forgive me.”
[With friends and big smiles]
Right away, I told my family that I wouldn’t be able to join the Christmas and birthday parties that we cherished.
My mother called all our relatives and spoke to them in tears as she told them that her daughter had joined a terrible religion.
[Feeling crushed]
She even told my study conductor to give back her daughter.
[She drops her head]
She felt like I was taken from her.
When I observed those things,
[She frowns]
at times, I felt as if I was doing something wrong.
[Reflectively sitting at her desk, reading the Bible]
But then, I knew that if I compromised, Jehovah would be sad. Jehovah had kindly let me know the truth. I strongly felt that in order to please him, I should not give up.
[Confidently, she smiles]
It would have been easier if I had given up, then. Yet, I knew that if I did, I wouldn’t be able to draw my parents to the truth.
[Packs her meeting bag]
I knew I would get emotional if I tried to talk with them face-to-face, so I wrote them letters instead.
[Mother opens the letter]
I prayed and prayed and kept telling my mother how much I appreciated her. Gradually, she realized that she hadn’t lost her daughter, and she was relieved. Now someone is calling on her, and we have a very peaceful and pleasant relationship.
[Talking on zoom with her mum, Michiyo and her husband wave and smile]
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