Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
True Christians Are Neutral Part 2 (3:11) Lesson 45

Transcript: True Christians are Neutral. Part 2
[Text: JW Broadcasting. David Schafer. Helper to the Teaching Committee]
David: So as Christians, what is our position where political matters are concerned? We are neutral. Sometimes people misunderstand this viewpoint. Some have concluded that because we don’t promote one human government, that we must be promoting another human government. In the 1950’s, in what is now the Republic of Congo, authorities falsely accused Jehovah’s Witnesses of being Communists. But during the 1970’s, when Congo adopted a Communist form of government, the new authorities found fault with us for not being Communists! Today, however, and for nearly three decades, Jehovah’s Witnesses have enjoyed legal status in the Republic of Congo. And whereas some have perceived our Christian neutrality as sheer apathy, others construe our position as a threat. Let’s address both of these viewpoints. First, there is a big difference between Christian neutrality and apathy. Apathy is defined as “a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.” We certainly don’t lack interest in people, nor are we insensitive to their feelings. Like Jesus, we strive to alleviate people’s suffering by helping them in practical ways while teaching them about the only Kingdom that can eliminate injustice. By teaching people from God’s Word, we endeavor to change hearts, not political institutions. We feel this approach is realistic because mankind’s main problems are not political but moral. But why can it be said that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not a threat but, rather, an asset? We conscientiously obey the laws, we support our communities through volunteer service or compulsory civilian service where that exists, and we pay our taxes. It’s true, we don’t vote for political parties or candidates, but neither do we disrupt elections or interfere with those who choose to vote. It’s true, we don’t lobby, campaign, or run for government office, but neither do we criticize those in power, undermine their policies, or demonstrate for political change. It’s true, we won’t salute a flag, but neither will we burn a flag, spit on a flag, or disparage the nation that a flag represents, even in lands where these are considered protected expressions of freedom. It’s true, we don’t sing national anthems, but neither do we discourage others from singing, nor do we make a public spectacle of not singing; we simply don’t participate. It’s true, we wouldn’t kill people in war, but neither would we attack people at home. So, while we don’t promote any political position, neither do we condemn any political position, even in our heart. That is what neutrality means. We don’t take sides.
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