Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Why True Christians Need Courage. To Maintain Neutrality (2:49) Lesson 45

Transcript: Why True Christians Need Courage. To Maintain Neutrality.
[In a clouded orange sky, the golden sun rises above an African horizon. Man named 'Ayenge Nsilu'. Democratic republic of Congo]
Ayenge: I became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1975 in Zaire. Zaire was under a dictatorship at that time. There was only one political party, and everyone was supposed to join it. Therefore, a position at work also required a position in the political party. I refused to have anything to do with these political activities.
[Reading his Bible]
One day, they asked me to be present for the flag salute.
[Pushed in front of others]
I had to go and explain to all the workers who had assembled why I didn’t want to be there. So, as I set off, understandably, I prayed a lot. Until then, I would just stay out of sight, but on that day, everyone was very angry; so, I had to be present.
[They shake their heads in disgust]
On Saturday, a man from the party came. He came to the office and started to yell, “Who doesn’t want to participate in political activities?”
[The workers listen and empathically nod]
He carried on talking and called everyone to come outside, so everyone went outside. I stayed alone in the office.
[Reads his Bible in the office]
On the way home, I thought that maybe they were going to arrest me, but they did not. We went home, myself included.
[As workers exit the bus, they shake their fingers close to Ayenge’s face]
Afterwards, besides having to face peer pressure nearly every day, I was demoted.
[Sweeps outside]
One year the children didn’t attend school because we didn’t have enough money, even for our day-to-day needs it became difficult. I didn’t neglect spiritual things. I always kept busy attending the meetings, participating at the meetings, in the ministry, with my personal study and, even more so, with my prayer to Jehovah.
[Starting to smile]
Jehovah has blessed me because I’m still in the truth. All this time, he has blessed me. To be neutral is the best way to show that we support Jehovah’s Kingdom, apart from the preaching work, obviously.
[With wife in the ministry]
Even when the government goes against our activity, we shouldn’t take this as something bad or negative. It can serve a purpose. It can render a witness. It is a witness in support of God’s Kingdom, the name of Jehovah, and his authority. Understanding it in that way, we will rely on Jehovah. Jehovah never allows something without reason.
[Ayenge smiling with his family]
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