Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Presenting Your Gifts to God (3:04) Lesson 46

Transcript: Presenting Your Gifts to God
[Text: Samuel F. Herd. Governing Body]
Samuel F. Herd: This month I’d like to talk about Presenting Your Gifts to God. We certainly have every reason to consider this topic. Well, why is that? It’s because Jehovah gives us so much. James 1:17 says: Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, coming down from the Father of the celestial lights. For example, Jehovah allows us to enjoy the gift of life,
[Mom and Baby smile]
even though our first parents tried to take that from us. He’s provided us with a variety of foods.
[Various vegetables on a table]
The environment is just right to support life.
[A lake surrounded by mountains]
He’s given us his precious Word, the Bible, so that we can come to know him
[Boy smiling holding a Bible]
and his purposes. And the greatest perfect present Jehovah has given us is the ransom.
[Jesus on the stake]
Jehovah sacrificed a great deal to arrange for Jesus to buy back for us the hope of everlasting life. This was at no obligation on Jehovah’s part. It was totally a gift of love. Please read with me 1 John 4:9: By this the love of God was revealed in our case, that God sent his only begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him. What a gift of love from Jehovah, our God! What does that move us to do? Maybe you’ve had the experience of a close friend or family member unexpectedly giving you a valuable gift. Immediately, what are you thinking? You are probably trying to think of what you can give in return. How much more so would we want to ‘present our gifts to God’ so as to show our sincere appreciation for all he’s done! Let’s consider some possible gifts that Jehovah would be pleased to receive from us.
[Woman in baptism pool]
Many of you in our viewing audience have been moved to give your life to Jehovah, dedicating yourself to do his will. That’s commendable! That’s what Romans 12 urges us to do. However, there are some of you listening who have thought about this way of giving back to Jehovah, but you haven’t yet taken this vital step. Notice the appeal the apostle Paul makes at Romans 12:1: Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. Your life is precious. Presenting your body, your whole soul, to God is one of the best gifts you can give to him.
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