Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Love for Jehovah Conquers Obstacles (5:22) Lesson 47

Transcript: Love for Jehovah Conquers Obstacles.
[Narangerel Erdenebayar.]
Narangerel: My name is Narangerel. I was born and raised in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. My father, my younger brother and I were in the army. During that time, I had money to buy whatever I wanted and enjoyed going drinking with my friends, which made me feel better, at times even satisfied and happy. But my stressful life quickly returned. One of my best friends started to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. She used to give me tracts and talk about Jehovah often. But I never read them. One day when I was feeling really down, I wondered what was in those tracts and decided to read them. I really liked what I read. I wanted to know more about it, so I called my friend and said, “Can you please teach me about the Bible?” Then I started to study the Bible and go to the meetings. At one meeting, I heard, “Jehovah God listens and answers his servant’s prayers.” This truth touched my heart. I decided to learn more about God and to cultivate a close relationship with him and to worship him. I told my father about my decision to retire from the military. Of course, he didn’t want to accept it; he tried everything to stop me. I felt bad that I was letting my family down. But I really loved Jehovah. I never looked back. But I had another obstacle to overcome. I lived with my boyfriend. He never accepted the Bible truths. I loved both Jehovah and him. I didn’t want to lose either of them. So, I prayed to Jehovah, “Please help me that he legally marries me and let me be a servant of you.” I did everything I could do. But he said, “If you don’t leave this religion, I will never marry you.” Later, he told me, “I am going abroad; come with me.” To be honest, I thought I could go with him and get married, then become a servant of God. But I prayed to Jehovah, “Please help me to make the right decision.” Then I realized that I had to cut off the relationship with him who didn’t want to marry me. I cried until I had no tears left. I really loved him. But my love for Jehovah was much stronger. I was surprised at myself that I made this decision. In March 2008 I was baptized, and I started regular pioneering from that December. I was appointed to be a special pioneer in August 2010, and I’m joyfully serving in the city of Darkhan. I’m still single, but now I have many friends who love Jehovah and care for me. I have more self-respect than before. For me, the real satisfaction and happiness come from working with Jehovah and serving him.
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