Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
How to Strengthen the Marriage Bond (5:44) Lesson 49

Transcript: How to strengthen the marriage bond.
[A man dressed in a suit sits at a dining table and reads on a laptop. From the kitchen a woman brings in a plate of fruit and waffles and a French press of coffee]
Kiara: My name is Kiara, and that’s my husband, Shaan.
[Smiling she sets the plate in front of him whilst his eyes remain glued to the screen. Then she gazes at a photo of her son on the refrigerator]
Our son Akil moved out recently to help where the need is greater. I didn’t realize just how much he made us laugh.
[She looks back at Shaan as he eats]
I miss that.
[Looking down she wipes her hands on a towel]
It’s just more quiet now.
[Shaan gives her a kiss on the cheek and walks out]
But more than that,
[She stares in his direction]
I felt we were growing apart.
[Later sunk into the sofa Shaan stares expressionless at the TV. When Kiara sits next to him, sighs, then begins speaking. His eyes remain fixed on the TV as she talks]
I tried talking to him.
[Rolling her eyes]
It didn’t go well.'
[With eyes wide, Shaan turns towards her when she becomes agitated, talking louder, and standing up to turn off the TV. When she walks out Shaan furrows his eyebrows and turns the TV back on]
Shaan: Ever since Akil left, things have been off between Kiara and I.
[Staring into the distance he contemplates. In the morning she slams a carton of milk and box of cereal in front of him and briskly walks out of the dining room. Unsure he stares in her direction. Later working in an office cubicle Shaun receives a text from Kiara at 3:41PM which reads ‘I’m going over to Susan’s this evening. There’s food in the fridge.’ That evening at home, Shaan finds a container of food in the refrigerator and swirls the box around as he eyes it. At the dining table he eats alone. Later he solemnly watches Kiara as she reads a Bible publication with eyebrows raised]
She is so serious now. I wish she would just lighten up and laugh more, like when Akil was still here.
[He glares]
As much as I hated to admit it, it felt like we were growing apart.
[On another day, they sit on the couch and video conference with Akil]
Even Akil noticed.
Akil: Anyway, can I ask you guys a question? Are you both doing okay? Because you don’t look OK.
Shaan: Of course, we’re OK. OK?' We’re doing wonderful, right?
Kiara: Yeah, we’re doing good.
Shaan: Everything is good. Yeah.
[The scene shoots to the couple sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Then Shaan sits up and looks over at Kiara]
Kiara: We weren’t fooling anyone, except maybe ourselves.
[He beings softly speaking to her]
And for the first time, we both revealed to each other just how we had been really feeling.
[She begins to cry as she talks]
We knew we were headed down a dangerous path. We had to do something, fast.
[Shaan gently rubs her shoulder]
We read aloud the scripture at Romans 12:10: “In showing honor to one another, take the lead.”
Shaan: We thought about Abraham and Sarah.
[Sarah folds clothes]
They weren’t perfect,
[Abraham approaches her, and she smiles]
but they worked hard to show honor to each other by listening and by caring.
[Abraham holds Sarah’s hand as they talk in front of a fire. Sarah nods as her husband speaks to her]
I told Kiara, “I know I can do better.” And I wanted to
[With her head tilted she smiles at him]
because I love her so much.
[They hold their hands together]
Kiara: I told Shaan, “Let’s both try to do better.”
[He intently looks in her eyes and slightly nods]
So, we did.
[Setting the needle on a record. Close to each other they slow dance in the living room. Kiara’s head lies on Shaan’s shoulder. Later they study the Bible together, then look at each other, eyebrows raised and smile. At night they play a game and Shaan makes the tower of blocks fall. They laugh as they pick the pieces of game from the popcorn bowl. Kiara playfully throws popcorn at Shaan’s face. Later they ride bikes together and smile. In the evening they hold hands and laugh while they sit outside in camping chairs under a red plaid blanket in front of a campfire]
A few months later, we decided to pioneer together.
[Together in the ministry]
Now it seemed we had a lot to talk about.
[He smiles as she preaches]
Shaan: I felt like I was seeing a whole new side of Kiara.
[Later they cook together]
Like Abraham and Sarah, our marriage wasn’t perfect.
[Shaan cuts mushrooms]
There are going to be stressful times.
[Shaan kisses her on the cheek, and they laugh]
But by working hard to apply Bible principles, we got through that rough patch, and it drew us even closer together.
[As he washes dishes at the sink, she feeds him a bite]
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