Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Safeguard Your Children From Evil (2:58) Lesson 50 Explore

Transcript: Safeguard your children from evil.
[A woman with dark red hair and glasses drives in her car while her young son sits in the back seat]
Mother of Emilien: At times, it can be difficult to talk to Emilien about sex because Emilien is a young boy, and I am a single mother. I’ve been a widow for nine years. And I find sexual education a difficult topic to talk about.
[Drinking coffee at the kitchen bar she chats with her son. Now a light blue house is shown next to a field]
Husband 1: In our culture, talking about sex is taboo, so much so that our parents do not talk to us about it.
[The wife cooks Indian food in a skillet]
Wife 1: It is hard to know how much information we should give to our children. Children are naturally curious.
[Their two children play]
Our fear is: What if they get wrong thoughts?
[Now surrounded by mountains many houses are shown in a village in Africa]
Husband 2: It is not easy to bring up children in the last days of this system of things.
[Five children in school uniforms arrive home]
Wife 2: It is very difficult to train children in a blended family, but with the help of Jehovah, it is Jehovah who has helped us to train them.
[Sitting in their living area they have family worship. Now the widowed sister does personal study]
Mother of Emilien: It’s true that Jehovah has given us an incredible task to raise our children in the truth, but I am calm and confident because thanks to his organization, we always have what we need, in due time, to successfully carry out this task.
[Eating supper with her son]
I use the videos provided by “the faithful and discreet slave” that relate to the topics Emilien wants to talk about, in particular, the video 'Protect Your Children', which speaks about sexual predators, is a good starting point for a discussion on this.
[On the tablet they watch Caleb tell his mom about a predator. The Indian couple prepare their children’s study]
Husband 1: Even before Satan’s world can teach our children about sex; we can teach them.
[He explains to the children]
'Learn From the Great Teacher,' chapter 32, has beautiful questions. It helps us to understand what is in their hearts and how much information they already know.
[They look at tablets]
Since we have already spoken to them about sex at this age, we can talk about any serious matters in the future without feeling awkward.
[The father asks his children a question and the children imitate Caleb by putting their hand out to stop]
Wife 2: We lean on the counsel from the Bible regarding sexuality, and this has helped the children to fear Jehovah.
[The family trek up a hill together]
Husband 2: Every time that we go out to the fields to do our work, we are talking all the time with the children. I see that Jehovah has blessed these efforts. We do not have any problems among the children or with others.
[The father points out to the mountains as he speaks to his children]
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