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Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!

Protect Your Children (1:52) Lesson 50

Transcript: Animated series: Lesson 17 Protect Your Children.
[Animated series: Lesson 17 Protect Your Children. 1 Peter 5:8. In the living room, Mum, Dad, Sophia, and Caleb are drawing happy figures on a chalk board]
Dad: Children, Jehovah wants you to be happy and keep you safe, but some people want to do bad things to you.
[Dark shadow appears]
So, Jehovah gives you a conscience.
[Draws red chalk circle]
It’s like an alarm system that helps you to know right from wrong.
It will protect you from danger. So, Mommy and I will help you test your alarm system. Ready? What if someone tells you something that makes you feel uncomfortable or scares you? What do you do?
[Shadow whispers]
Caleb: I’m not sure, but that’s weird. “Stop!”
[Firmly raises hand]
Dad: Very good. Tell them to stop it, and you tell Mommy and Daddy. No matter what someone tells you, never keep a secret from us.
Mom: What if they ask you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable?
[Shadow hand beckons Sophia]
Sophia: I would say, “No!”
Mom: You’re right, you should say, “No!” and walk away.
[She marches off]
Dad: What if they try to touch you where they shouldn’t?
[He runs]
Caleb: I wouldn’t let them! I’d get out of there!
Mom: Good, Caleb. Even if it’s an adult you know and trust, you should say, “No!” and run away. And you should yell, “Stop doing that! I’m gonna tell on you.
Dad, Mom, Sophia, Caleb: Stop doing that! I’m gonna tell on you.
[Scared shadow vanishes]
Dad: The world can be a scary place, but you are never alone.
[Houses in street]
Remember, you have your conscience, your mom and dad who love you, and you have Jehovah.
[They all smile and group hug. Chalk drawing Dad and son hug and spin round]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2015 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)

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