Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Speak “What Is Good for Building Up” Others (4:07) Lesson 51

Transcript: Speak “What Is Good for Building Up” Others.
[Two Asian couples enjoy pizza and salad at a dinner table. One of the husbands speaks, then laughs with the couple. Arms crossed his wife glares at him then looks down]
Husband: I embarrassed my wife tonight.
[Later as she washes dishes, she glances at him as he washes the table]
I knew when it happened, and I didn’t want to talk about it.
[After she speaks to him, he solemnly makes a brief comment before leaving the room. With a slight frown she stares in his direction. Later that night softly smiling and holding two cups of coffee he approaches her as she sits on the couch with a laptop]
But I knew in my heart that Yoomi was right.
[Handing her a cup of coffee he sits next to her, begins gently speaking and she smiles]
I had become unkind. There were lots of examples.
[He recalls complaining while they walked in the ministry. Yoomi looking straight ahead]
I’d complained about the way one brother conducted meetings for field service.
[At the Kingdom Hall a brother speaks from the platform]
I was jealous of a ministerial servant who received new privileges.
[After the meeting from across the room the husband with a younger brother disapprovingly looks on at the servant visiting with a couple. Back at home having dinner with a couple, the husband receives a phone call from Yoomi’s father, shaking his head in disgust he rejects the call]
I was pretty blunt about how frustrated I got with Yoomi’s parents.
[Standing in the kitchen with sad eyes Yoomi sighs. Back on the couch with their coffee’s the husband gazes at Yoomi]
I thought I’d gotten rid of my old personality, but it still lurked inside of me.
[In his car the husband picks up the young brother who gets in and shows him something on his phone]
Some of my friends were OK with and even encouraged these bad qualities.
[Looking at the phone the husband widens his eyes in shock]
The change was so gradual that I didn’t even realize how far I’d fallen.
[Now back on the couch]
What do you think I need to do to change?'
Yoomi: How about we search for “good for building up” from the ONLINE LIBRARY?
Husband: Sounds good. Let’s take a look.
[He types on the laptop, then points to an article]
We considered Ephesians 4:29, which says: “Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up… to impart what is beneficial to the hearers.”
[He imagines a woman in Bible times with a basket of purple grapes]
I was struck by this powerful word picture. Rotten words are as disgusting as rotten food.
[Turning over the grapes she sees brown furry mould growing, her face twists in disgust]
I didn’t want the things coming out of my mouth to disgust my wife or anyone else.
[Yoomi grasps his hand]
But to change, I needed a plan.
[At the Kingdom Hall, the husband warmly greets the servant]
Now I really try to think before I speak. And I have a goal to give someone real commendation at every meeting.
[Smiling he shakes the servant’s hand. Later in a car group the young brother speaks and two sisters in the back seat look sceptical and frown]
I have a goal for my conversations too. I want to keep them wholesome, true, and kind.
[The husband calmly responds to the young brother with a smile]
It’s amazing how speaking kindly to others can make you feel so good inside.
[The young brother raises his eyebrows, and the two sisters light up with a smile]
I shouldn’t be surprised because it’s just another way of showing God’s love.
[Later the husband and Yoomi visit and laugh with her parents]
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