Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Love and Respect Unite Families (3:08) Lesson 51

Transcript: Love and Respect Unite Families.
[In a living room a man aggressively shakes his hands up and down as he shouts at a woman who tensely listens. Later with his eyes tightly shut he shakes his head as he speaks to her]
Presenter: Anger,
[In the foreground a little boy with a stuffed animal lion watches as the man shouts at the woman]
hurtful words,
[Slowly his large sad brown eyes blink]
devastating effects
[An opened Bible]
the Bible says: “A mild answer turns away rage, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
[Now having hot tea at a breakfast table]
The way out of a crisis is only found by learning to speak openly with one another
[The man calmly talks to the woman]
in a mild, gentle way.
[Looking away from him and with crossed arms she raises her eyebrows]
It takes time and patience. Honestly apologizing also helps to build bridges.
[He texts her ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.’]
“The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger,” says the Bible.
[He listens as she expresses herself]
Insight means understanding
[As she speaks, he slowly nods]
to have empathy for my partner. How can I understand the feelings behind their reaction? How were my words understood? Speaking so as not to hurt one another’s feelings will help.
[Making eye contact with him she explains]
When was everything OK between us?
[She holds together a torn wedding photo]
What were the things that made us happy?
[With arms around each other they walk with their two sons]
Can we revive this love again?
[Slowly walking towards each other they warmly embrace and peacefully smile]
go in a new direction?
[Wearing coats outside the husband and wife holds hands behind their son’s back while they watch their other son swing. The wife kisses her son softly on the head. With a warm smile she contently gazes at her husband]
[Text: “All things, therefore that you want men to do to you, you also must do to them.” Matthew 7:12]
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