Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
What Controls Your Time? (2:45) Lesson 53

Transcript: What Controls Your Time?
[JW Broadcasting. Mark Sanderson. Governing Body]
Mark: With so much to do in our life, not just in the ministry but also with secular work, family responsibilities, for some, even health issues, we can get into a rut. It’s not always easy to detect at first, because in this age of technology, we always feel busy. But what consumes our day? Watch this one-minute video and try to detect what’s going on in the life of one brother. His life is in a rut. Try to figure out why.
[A young brother lies down on his bed looks at his cell phone puts it on the nightstand and turns off the light. Lying on his back he stares at the ceiling, then pulls back the covers and sits on the edge of the bed with a serious and reflective look on his face. The hands of the clock begin to quickly wind back in time to that morning. Waking up, right away he begins scrolling through his phone then watching TV he puts on his tie. Later, walking down the street he talks on his phone. In the car he turns on the radio and drives off. Wearing headphones seated at his work desk, with a burrito in hand, he scrolls through an ad for sunglasses. Now at home whilst watching TV he folds clothes. On the digital clock 11:22:59 after turning off the TV he looks at his phone and leaves the room. Back to present. As he turns on the light on the nightstand appears his cell phone on top of a Bible, removing the phone he pensively stares at the Bible]
Would you say that this brother’s life is in a rut? Oh, he’s active all day, he always has something to do. But it’s as if his mind has been kidnapped by his devices. Have you ever had the experience of reading an e-mail while someone is trying to tell you something? It can be embarrassing when you realize that they’ve asked you a question, and they’re waiting for an answer, but you have no idea what they asked. It’s embarrassing, right? But what if the person who is trying to speak to you is Jehovah? Even though we aren’t doing anything wrong, our daily routine can occupy our attention so much that we are not able to hear the refreshing words of Jehovah.
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