Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
A Gift in Hand to Jehovah (4:47) Lesson 55

Transcript: A Gift in Hand to Jehovah
[Throughout this video is an animation of coins travelling through a tube to fund many worldwide projects. An elderly Israelite woman carefully counts coins in her hand before dropping them in the treasury chest]
Presenter: In ancient times, when an Israelite made a heartfelt offering to support the temple, that offering was referred to as ‘a gift in hand to Jehovah.’
[With a broad smile, she raises her head. Now at a Kingdom Hall]
Today, in Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world, there are small boxes marked for voluntary contributions. When we give our valuable things, where does it actually go?
[A little girl drops in a coin]
Each year, hundreds of thousands become our new brothers and sisters.
[Coins travel]
To accommodate our growing numbers, funds are provided to help construct new places of worship, as well as branch facilities all over the world.
[Friends in front of new construction]
Sister 1: One thing that I really appreciate about being here is to see family heads, fathers and husbands, choose to use their vacation time. So, thank you to the families and the congregations that support all of this and us to be here.
Brother 1: But what’s just as impressive is seeing millions of brothers and sisters voluntarily give of their funds so that we can keep building. Just that in itself is an amazing act of Jehovah’s holy spirit.
[A sky view of large construction project by a lake]
Presenter: Large doors leading to greater activity are being opened
[coins roll]
by means of theocratic schools.
[S.K.E students]
Training is provided to help those enrolled to develop spiritually and take a zealous lead in the evangelizing work.
[Take notes in classroom]
Brother 2: When you think of the organization and the education, the divine education that it provides, there is no government on earth today that educates its citizens like the Kingdom.
Sister 2: It has strengthened my relationship with Jehovah in ways I never considered before. The training is wonderful; it motivates spiritual growth.
[Coins fall through tube]
Presenter: Voluntary contributions help support the thousands of special full-time servants worldwide.
[Brother works in printery]
These include Bethelites.
[Boxing Bibles]
Brother 3: While working in the printery, it’s abundantly clear that none of this could happen without Jehovah’s support, shown by what the friends can give. I love my assignment and serve with the knowledge that my sacrifice wouldn’t be possible without the sacrifice of brothers and sisters in the field.
[Coins pass the printery]
Presenter: Also included are missionaries, traveling overseers, international servants, and special pioneers.
[A couple in a metropolitan area stand at a public witnessing table]
Sister 3: All the support makes it possible and makes our assignment a great joy and a privilege, something that we look forward to each and every week, each and every month, each and every year that we’re able to devote our full-time efforts in preaching the good news of the Kingdom.
Sister 4: It allows us to be here so that we can help as many people as possible who do want to learn about Jehovah.
[Coins bounce through tube]
Presenter: Every year, we look forward to receiving rich spiritual gems at our conventions. Funds are provided for equipment and other needs to help everything run as smoothly as possible.
[Brothers arrange a large screen for a convention]
Brother 4: It was a delight this year to see how technology was used to promote the unity Having the different cities involved where video streaming to them for the key talks by Governing Body members and their helpers received tremendous response from those cities. We’ve seen more people in their seats during the program because they were afraid to get up even for a moment cause they might miss something that was special.
[An outdoor stadium filled with attendees]
Presenter: When disaster strikes, your donations help give immediate relief for our brothers and sisters in need.
[Coins roll]
Food, clothing, building materials, and much more are shipped over as quickly as possible.
[Food Distribution]
Brother 5: I have come to really appreciate Jehovah’s organization. No other organization can compare in how it provides support in such a loving way.
Sister 5: I know now that Jehovah does look after his people. So, I’m really grateful for that, and I’ve been praying and giving thanks.
[Friends clean in protective suits]
Presenter: Yes, all our contributions have a meaningful share in supporting Kingdom interests worldwide.
[Coins from tube fall around the earth]
Each donation is like ‘a gift in hand to our heavenly Father Jehovah.’
[The little girl smiles]
When we give from our heart, we are expressing our love for him, and that is the best gift we can give him.
[A cartoon depiction of a Kingdom Hall, the earth, and then rays of light from heaven]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2015 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)