Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Caring for Our Places of Worship (3:31) Lesson 55

Transcript: Caring For Our Places of Worship
[Paintings of Abraham and Isaac, Israelites returning to Jerusalem, and in a first century house a scroll is being read to Christians]
Presenter: “From ancient times, Jehovah’s people have had established places of worship. That pattern has continued down to our time. Today, we meet in Kingdom Halls around the world.
[Brothers and sisters shown entering modern Kingdom Halls]
It’s here that we receive spiritual refreshment and direction through Jehovah’s organization.
[Asian friends bow their heads to greet]
And it’s here that we enjoy encouraging association with our brothers and sisters.
[Singing at a meeting]
But our Kingdom Halls do something else. They are centres for pure worship in the local communities.
Brother 1: “In Indonesia, where I live, our congregation invited local government officials and neighbors to an open house of our Kingdom Hall prior to the dedication.
[Men shake hands]
The mayor attended, and he was impressed by the quality of the building, its functionality, and its beautiful garden.
[Lush stromanthes and white orchids]
He said, “The cleanliness of this hall reflects your true faith.” That comment made us feel so proud to be serving our God, Jehovah.”
Presenter: “Experiences like these remind us never to take our places of worship for granted. So how can we personally show Jehovah our gratitude for our Kingdom Halls?
[Text: “For God is a God not of disorder but of peace” – 1 Corinthians 14:33]
When our Kingdom Halls are kept clean and tidy, it reflects the qualities and personality of the God we worship, a God of order.
[Sweep and vacuum]
Regular cleaning also helps protect the health of all those attending.
[Brother scrub toilets]
Additionally, regular maintenance helps prolong the existence of the building itself.
[Installing roof shingles with a nail gun]
While congregations are primarily responsible for maintenance, LDC representatives can assist where needed and train others to care for inspections and repairs safely.
[Unsafe, standing on a chair]
Remember, one should never do any risky work at the Kingdom Hall alone.
[Then steps down]
And always follow safety instructions.
[They replace the chair with a ladder. Protective gear is worn while using a grinder]
When problems are identified early, they can be corrected with less time and money.
[A sister with a clip board marks safety notes]
We honor Jehovah when we use donated resources wisely, much as we do when making donations in the first place.
[Many make donations]
In Bible times, when funds were needed to renovate the house of Jehovah, many happily responded. Whether they had little or much, they donated generously. Our Kingdom Halls are more than just buildings; they are places of worship dedicated to Jehovah.
[Young and old participate in cleaning and worshiping at their Kingdom Halls]
And by caring for them in the best way we can, we show love for our brothers,
[Warm hugs]
new ones, and most of all, Jehovah, the one who lovingly provides his people with beautiful places of worship.
[Text: “Jehovah is my portion…Pleasant places have been measured out to me.” Psalm 16:5, 6]
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