Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Brothers, Reach Out for a Fine Work (5:19) Lesson 55

Transcript: Brothers Reach Out for a Fine Work.
[A young man wearing athletic clothing and tennis shoes jogs down a lonely country road.
Ryan: Arriving home with a towel draped around his neck, he removes his earphones. Now in the kitchen, he grabs a bottle from the refrigerator and takes a drink]
They say that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. And I take good care of mine, not a day without exercising.
[At a table he reads the daily text]
And I do my best to stick to a spiritual routine too.
[On the clock 8:35]
Oh, no, the meeting for field service! I’ve got to get going.
[Wide-eyed, he looks at the clock]
By the way, my name is Ryan.
[Tossing the towel on the chair as he quickly exits, now in the ministry]
I’m glad I could work with Andrew this morning. He’s always so well-prepared for the ministry. You see, I’m not so good at starting conversations with people I don’t know. And then it’s great to have Andrew on your team. He’s really good at that.
[Witnessing to a man at a door]
And once we’re done here, I’m off into the woods for a long hike. It’s, like, the only place I can recharge my batteries.
[They stand by their bikes talking]
Andrew suggests that we first do some of my return visits.
[Ryan flips through a mostly blank notepad]
Well, I’m afraid I don’t have any —sorry, Andrew, maybe next weekend.
[Now he rides off on his bike. Later, seated in the hall, he drops his raised hand in his head]
I like our meetings, but I wish I’d prepared better.
[His brow furrows]
Now the study is over, and again I couldn’t comment.
[Quickly glancing at his watch]
Man, I need to be at the cinema in ten minutes.
[Edgar stops him, and they shake hands]
Oh, yeah! Thanks, Edgar! My field service report. My group overseer always has to remind me.
[Ryan goes through the counter and fills out his service report]
How come I always forget?
[Later, Andrew and Ryan are playing tennis. After playing they sit courtside and talk]
Andrew and I are good friends. To be honest, he seems to be the only friend I’ve got in our congregation.
[Andrew speaks in ardently gestures]
Last week, he was appointed as a ministerial servant. I’m not surprised at all. He is a great example, especially for me.
[Ryan intently listens]
I wonder why I haven’t qualified to be a ministerial servant.
[Andrew looks at his watch, hurriedly gets up, shakes Ryan’s hand and leaves]
Wow, Andrew is always busy for the congregation, helping the friends, taking care of our older brothers and sisters. He really cares for them. How come I never think of that?
[Reflectively, he stares ahead]
That evening Edgar and Martin, the assistant group overseer, came over. They’ve noticed how hard I train to stay in good shape physically. But am I working as hard to be in good shape spiritually? Martin reminded me of 1 Timothy 3:1. “This statement is trustworthy: “If a man is reaching out to be an overseer, he is desirous of a fine work.” This principle applies to me, since an overseer qualifies first as a ministerial servant. The brothers asked me, “How is the apostle Paul an example to someone who’s ‘desirous of a fine work’?”
[Gazing up, he imagines Paul]
Paul strengthened the friends by giving encouraging talks. He showed personal interest for the elderly, for the fatherless boys,
[Paul kindly interacts with the brothers]
and had a good share in the ministry.
[Paul reads a scroll to two men. Now in the present day]
The brothers were right. Having a good share in the ministry gives so much happiness!
[At a door preaching]
Edgar commended me for how I handled that last return visit. Who knows, maybe I will conduct a Bible study soon!
[Now at a cookout he places a sliced watermelon on the table]
I didn’t realize that we had so many nice friends in our congregation! Perhaps I just didn’t give them a chance in the past.
[Friends joyfully mingle]
I guess I had a spiritual routine before, but I was too distracted by what I wanted to do.
[At the hall]
But there is so much I can do for others.
[Conversing with an elderly sister]
With better preparation, I feel more comfortable giving comments. And I was able to stand-in for a part during the midweek meeting.
[On stage]
Martin gave me some great advice afterwards.
[Scrubbing a toilet]
The apostle Paul worked hard, gave to others, and reached out. Following his example gives me so much joy in life.
[A smiling elderly brother waves at Ryan arriving on his bike with groceries]
Now I realize what it really means to reach out. It’s all about being a spiritual man!
[Sitting with the brother outside at a table, Ryan reads to him from the Bible, and they joyfully converse]
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