Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Making Peace Brings Blessings (6:01) Lesson 56

Transcript: Making Peace Brings Blessings.
[At a Kingdom Hall, a sister wide eyed with short hair sits at a chair, quickly exhaling. Another sister with long hair sits down further back, solemnly looking down]
Sister: There are times when peace can be threatened.
[The short-haired sister eyes anxiously dart around before she gulps and drops her head]
I found that out first-hand.
[The long-haired sister cuts her eyes to the short haired sister and then stares off as she contemplates. A brother on the stage reads from the Bible. Lips quivering, the short haired sister looks down]
We both said things we wish we hadn’t.
[Flashback. The short-haired sister had strongly spoken to her, whipped around, and stormed off]
I thought she was just being too sensitive.
[The long-haired sister took a deep breathe]
I couldn’t even concentrate on the meeting.
[Now, dabbing a tissue to her eye, and pursing her lips together, the sister with short hair rush’s off after the meeting. The long-haired sister eying her as she passes. Near the front doors two sister turn to watch the short-haired sister as she hurrys out the door]
I thought, ‘Why is she overreacting?’
[Still sitting in her chair, the long-haired sister furrows her eyebrows]
I felt like telling someone.
[Now at home folding laundry]
Maybe I should talk to my friends.
[She imagines venting to three sisters at the Kingdom Hall, they gawk, shake their heads and strongly gesture. Another sister joins and also chimes in. All of them with looks of disgust. With arms crossed the long-haired sister fumes with anger, turning her head to the side, as the sisters continue shooting comments. Later, drying dishes with a towel, she shakes her head]
I thought about calling a relative.
[This time she imagines explaining the disagreement on the phone with her relative, whose jaw drops in shock, then she begins shaking her head. Now sitting in the kitchen, she strums her fingers on the table as she contemplates]
Or maybe I should just go to the elders.
[She imagines pointing out the short-haired sister to two elders as she explains, the elders looking tense turn to one another, then to the long-haired sister. Later, lying in bed wide awake, she appears consumed with thoughts]
It was disturbing my sleep. It was all I could think about.
[Her mind replays the short-haired sister whipping around and storming off. Turning on the lamp on the night stand she sits on the edge of the bed with arched eyebrows. Wearing her robe, she slowly dips a teabag into a cup over and over as she replays the short-haired sister rushing off after the meeting. Her eyes had glared at her as she passed]
The next day I volunteered to work at a Kingdom Hall project.
[Picking up her work gloves and a white hard hat, she leaves home. Then she stands in line as a brother with a clip board signs in each worker]
But earlier that morning,
[Flashback to reading her Bible]
I read Matthew 5:23, 24, where it says: “If then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift.”
[She had raised her head after reading the scripture. Staring ahead at the brother with the clipboard, she meditates. The scene is transformed into Bible times, where she stands in a line of Israelites, who bring their offerings to the priest. Just outside the temple the Israelites had peaceful expressions, they offered doves, a goat and a basket covered with a cloth. The priest had accepted their offerings. Now, back to reality, the long-haired sister expression becomes decisive, tapping the sister in front of her, she hands over her hard hat and gloves and walks away]
How could I make a sacrifice to Jehovah when I’m not at peace with my sister? I had to ‘leave my gift’ and ‘first make peace.’
[The short-haired sister opens the front door and the long-haired sister smiles and as she speaks to her, then hopefully raises her eyebrows. The short-haired sister sighs, then smiles as she nods. They now sit outside on patio chairs; they open up to each other both with looks of compassion]
We really talked from the heart.
[The short hair sister expresses herself and the long-haired sister sheds a tear]
I didn’t want to lose my sister.
[After talking they smile and nod at each other and warmly embrace]
And she didn’t want to lose me.
[Back at the construction project, she joyfully greets the sister holding that was holding her things and begins working]
It’s amazing how wonderful it feels when you make peace.
[At night in her bed, she peacefully smiles as she sleeps. At a gathering, she approaches the short-haired sister]
I am so happy!
[Surprised, the sister turns around and broadly smiles]
I not only gained my sister back,
[Sitting at a table together, they chat and laugh]
but I gained a truer and deeper friend.
[Another day at the Kingdom Hall, the long-haired sister invites the short-haired sister to sit by her]
My relationship with the congregation is stronger, and I feel closer to Jehovah.
[Staring ahead at the speaker, the long-haired sister sighs and contently smiles]
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