Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Those Whom Jehovah Loves He Disciplines (3:01) Lesson 57 Explore

Transcript: Those Whom Jehovah Loves He Disciplines
[In the ministry a well-dressed boy with his parents pulls out a brochure from his bookbag and presents it to a man in jeans and a t-shirt. Text appears: Canon Bonaldi. Circuit Overseer]
Canon: I was raised in the truth and had good spiritual examples in my family that helped me to set goals at a young age. I progressed to baptism in my teen years and also started regular pioneering as a teenager. But I started hanging around the wrong crowd, inside the congregation first and then bad association outside,
[In a red car, teenage Canon, holding a beer out the window]
partying, drinking heavily, living a double life. I knew I couldn’t continue that and stay at home because my parents were still serving Jehovah faithfully, so I decided to move out and go into the world 100 percent because I just wanted to have fun.
[Mom sobs, Dad sinks]
Well, with nothing holding me back, the partying and the heavy drinking led to experimenting with drugs and living an immoral lifestyle.
[Youths drinking and smoking]
The lifestyle in the world was pretty much to work all week and to party on the weekend, and that’s what we did. But I eventually saw that that was just a vicious cycle. Eventually, things got to the point where I started having money problems—losing work. I lost my license at one point, lost my apartment, couldn’t pay the rent. And so, I knew this was not the way to true happiness, and I was miserable. I thought back to the time when I was the happiest, and that’s when I was serving Jehovah full-time. And I wanted that back. So, I poured my heart out to Jehovah in prayer, and I let him know that I wanted to return to him. I knew from personal experience that if you break a bone, such as your arm, you need help; you need to see a doctor. Only they are qualified to fix it —set the bone right so it can heal. I knew I had to seek out the elders because they’re trained, spiritual doctors. They know how to use the Scriptures to help you heal. So, I went to them because I wanted to return to Jehovah. I didn’t even have dress clothes anymore; I had lost all that. I just went back in jeans and a T-shirt. My parents didn’t even know I was coming, but I showed up at the meeting anyway.
[Parents spot Canon]
The elders, when I met with them, were so loving and kind and patient. I’ve learned first-hand that Jehovah’s discipline is for the best. Yeah, it’s true; it may hurt; it may sting initially. But if we allow ourselves to be moulded and trained by it, it’ll always work out for the best.
[At the hall, Canon gives a talk]
I’m so glad that I made the decision to return to Jehovah. Jehovah blessed me with the happiness that I longed for and a lot more: privileges of service I never would have imagined. And I’ve experienced through Jehovah’s discipline his greatest quality, love. And I’ve never been happier.”
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