Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Showing Courage Despite Persecution (6:27) Lesson 59

Transcript: Showing Courage Despite Persecution.
[Text: In order to protect the identity of the interviewees, the following is a reenactment of their story.] [Sunlight pours over a vast snow -covered mountainous countryside]
Husband: Since my dedication and baptism, I have been serving in a territory where our work is under ban.
[The couple walks through snow.]
Wife: When I was serving in the full-time ministry, I was assigned as a special pioneer to the territory where my future husband had been serving. Then we got married, and now we are sharing in this special avenue of service together.
[They laugh]
Husband: We are persecuted, put on probation, and confronted by government officials. In difficult times, Jehovah personally assures me with the words from Isaiah:
[They study together]
I will fortify you, yes, I will help you.
[Police step out of their car]
The last time government officials came to our place, they took us to their office for questioning.
[After the wife opens the front door, two officers burst in. Alarmed, she peers behind her for her husband]
They said they had no choice, and we went in their car.
[They're swiftly led out]
At that moment, I felt that Jehovah was not only giving me his holy spirit and wisdom but also giving me the physical strength to go. I was so thankful to him.
[The police escorted them into their car]
Wife: Indeed, on that day when we were taken in the car, I prayed to Jehovah, Please help us to be able to give a witness about you.
Husband: A government official even said these words: It’s very interesting for us to talk with you. When we talk with people of other faiths,
[In the rear-view mirror]
We never have our questions fully answered.
[The officer watches them]
But you know the correct answers to our questions and are capable of giving them.
[Comforting his wife]
Wife: Isaiah 31:5 is a big help because there Jehovah is described as being like swooping birds. After all, Jehovah is above me. In this verse he also promises that he will defend and save.
[An eagle soar]
Husband: Encounters with government officials and discussions with them have brought many blessings for our brothers, for our Bible students, and for us. But it has been a good opportunity for policemen too, because there are sincere ones among them who have a lot of questions. We have had good discussions, and I began to view them as my return visits.
[They preached to a man on a bench]
Wife: We have shared with our students how Jehovah is giving us strength, and how he is blessing us when we are talking with government officials. As a result, they are able to stay strong in the faith.
[They cut vegetables]
Husband: After meeting with the police, we never sit at home trembling in fear.
[And eat with friends]
On the contrary, we try to share in field service with our brothers and sisters even more because it’s also an encouragement for them. We spend a lot of time sharing with them how Jehovah glorifies his name.
[They sit on the floor around the table]
In certain situations, through his words in the Psalms, Jehovah shows me that he is on my side,
[Outside together they look at a squirrel]
and I fully believe it. Jehovah indeed is on my side, and he has shown me that people can do nothing to me.
[Holding his arm as they talk, the couple walks in the snow between trees]
[Text: Opposers in Kyrgyzstan burned down a Kingdom Hall. As it was being rebuilt, it was burned down again]
[Photos of the destruction show debris hanging out of the ceiling, bare -framing, and a missing roof]
[Text: Zhanybek and Dariika Kozhomambetov. Kyrgyzstan]
Zhanybek: We participated in the construction when the Kingdom Hall was built the first time.
[A couple of the photos sitting on scaffolding]
Everything was finished very nicely.
[A cream-colored kingdom hall with metal roof]
Then we were involved in the construction of the same Kingdom Hall the second time. And when we were close to the end of the construction and came to the construction site and saw everything burned-out and ruined, we cried.
[Photos of blackened, destroyed kingdom hall]
Dariika: So almost every day, unfriendly neighbors stopped us and continued to say to us: Stop your work. Go out from our village.
[Her husband nods and frowns as she speaks]
In those moments, I just used to pray silently to Jehovah.
[Reading her Bible, she looks up at the sky]
Zhanybek: I was a bit afraid since I still had fresh in my mind all the memories, the difficulties, and how the neighbors threw stones at us.
[Sitting in a kingdom hall, he reads on his tablet and contemplates]
But the words in Isaiah 41:10 gave me strength: Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. I will fortify you, . . . I will really hold on to you with my right hand.
[he nods]
Reading these words always gave us power to continue in our service.
[The couples sit together outside]
Dariika: I reflected on the words in Nehemiah 2:17: Come, let us rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, so that this disgrace will not continue. Jehovah wants this Kingdom Hall to be. This is important to the people there, so I wanted the praise for Jehovah, again.
[They hold hands]
Zhanybek: It was more than clear that Jehovah was backing us. We finished construction of that same Kingdom Hall for the third time from the floor to the roof in 45 days.
[Friends clean the hall]
From a human standpoint, this was not possible.
[A little boy wipes chairs]
We worked closely with many elders and ministerial servants.
[Sitting in a circle, brothers cheerfully laugh]
It was an enjoyable experience.
Dariika: We felt Jehovah’s hand. Jehovah strengthened our spirit.
[The sister, along with others, raised their hand to comment]
He encouraged us, and we felt it.
[A sky view of the couple walking on a country road]
Zhanybek: We cannot be silent; we have to praise God. We see him. We know him.
[They preach to a young woman]
Dariika: Jehovah poured out his holy spirit, and we gained confidence that Jehovah is always near and ready to help. He is like a loving Father holding us by our hands.
[They show her a scripture]
Zhanybek: Endurance helped us to receive all the blessings we are experiencing now.
[Friends walk toward the Kingdom Hall]
Dariika: I am very grateful to Jehovah God for all these blessings.
[Greeting one another, they embrace and smile]
I realize more fully that for his name, Jehovah becomes anything he wants.
[A sky view of the Kingdom Hall zooms out and displays the town in front of Hazy Gray Mountains]
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