Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
Jehovah God Will Strengthen Me (3:40) Lesson 59

Transcript: Jehovah God Will Strengthen Me.
[In a navy blazer, a man walks on a road by a wooded area, brimming with bright red, orange and yellow autumn foliage]
[Jun-Seok An. South Korea]
Jun-Seok An: I was imprisoned for a year and three months for upholding Christian neutrality.
[Gevorg Arakelyan. Armenia]
Gevorg: I was in a cell with all types of hardened criminals.
[Arlindo Matimbe. Mozambique]
Arlindo: I was sitting at home. My whole family had been arrested.
[Irene Matimbe. Mozambique]
Irene: They burned down the villages. We had to go live in the bush. That was difficult because we had a baby.
[Stanley Jones. Former Missionary in China]
Stanley: The police came in with guns, pointed them at us and handcuffed us, searched all our house, took everything away, and took us to the detention center. And that was the beginning of our imprisonment.
[Paulina Zunguza. Mozambique]
Paulina: I was taken to prison all alone and scared, but I trusted in Jehovah —that only he could protect me.
Gevorg: During that entire time, what helped me was the thought that Jehovah God would strengthen me and that he was by my side.
Stanley: Every day, I would review all those scriptures in my mind and go over them; that was the first thing I did in the day. So never at any time, although I didn’t have a Bible, did I feel any spiritual loss or weakness.
Irene: During the difficult moments with the baby, we always prayed to Jehovah. I saw Jehovah as my Father, as a real Person.
[Brother and sister Matimbe walked through a lush garden]
Paulina: It was like I was hearing Jehovah’s voice saying to me: My daughter, don’t worry. I am with you! So, I never shrunk back. I remained firm!
Jun-Seok An: If I had valued myself, my freedom, my health, or material gain more than my relationship with Jehovah, I might not have chosen to serve him.
[He walks down a shaded path]
But because I loved Jehovah more than all these things, I was able to choose Jehovah even if that meant that I had to serve time in prison.
[Looking in a mirror, Gevorg adjusts his tie]
Gevorg: Now I can freely serve God, attend religious meetings, and go in the ministry with my family.
[With his wife, he sings at the Kingdom Hall]
Paulina: I felt that Jehovah’s hand was with me, and that fear disappeared.
[Squinting, she grins]
Arlindo: The one who gave me so much strength was Jehovah.
[He holds his wife's hand]
Irene: If you love Jehovah, love has no fear; love banishes fear.
Stanley: And I can only say that my life, despite everything, has been pleasant, and I’ve been so happy. In fact, there have been so many occasions when it’s been positive joy. So, I feel that that is because I’ve always kept Jehovah right in front of my mind, and I’m confident that brothers and sisters who do the same will find Jehovah will bless them as he’s blessed me.
Jun-Seok An: The fact that Jehovah will never forget the loyalty that we show him and the hope of Paradise that he has given us help me to feel his love, overcome my fear, and become determined to serve him loyally forever.
[Each are shown one at a time with a broad smile. Brother Gevorg is shown last. In slow motion, he is laughing and turns his head to the side]
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