Transcripts: Enjoy Life Forever!
The Best Life Ever (3:31) Lesson 60

Transcript: The Best Life Ever.
[In a wooded area, two young women wearing life vests walk towards a canoe on the bank of a river]
Cameron: When we’re growing up, we all have to make decisions.
[In a canoe, they start down the river]
We all have to choose which path we will take.
[One of the women, Cameron, joyfully smiles. Text: What your peers say. The best life ever. Photos of the little blonde girl with her parents]
My parents raised me as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
[In the ministry]
Our ministry, teaching others about the Bible, has always been an important part of my life. When I was a teenager, I wanted to expand my ministry, to take it to the next level.
[She eats with her service partner]
There are friends in my local congregation who had gone to foreign countries and helped teach people the Bible.
[She reads a yearbook]
Reading experiences from the Yearbook motivated me that that was a goal that I wanted to set for myself.
[She pins up a map]
After a few years of careful planning and saving,
[An airplane]
I was finally able to travel to Malawi.
[On the map, she pins a string from the U.S. to Africa. Zebras are shown]
The people there had such a high respect for the Bible. You could talk to someone walking down the street or living in a small house, or even a mansion. And all were interested in what the Bible had to say.
[Five children are shown gathered around a Bible publication]
This one time in Malawi, one of the workers invited us in.
[They enter the large home]
Then the head of the house invited all the workers and family members, came into the living room, sat down, and he said, OK, what would you like to tell us from the Bible? And I’m just sitting there like, Wow! This is incredible.
[A woman splits wood with an axe. Cameron shares a scripture with a woman by a clothesline]
It was so encouraging to be able to share Bible truths.
[They nod and laugh as the woman holds the open Bible]
Some days you’d be out for 12 hours, riding home on the bus,
[She pays the driver]
dust coming in the windows, sharing a seat with four people,
[Dusty road]
even sometimes a chicken would be on your lap. You’d get off the bus, and you’d have to walk two miles home, and you’re just exhausted, but you couldn’t help but have a grin on your face because you felt like you accomplished something that day and that you were doing the best work you could possibly do.
[She walks down the road as the sun sets. Back in the US she walks across a creek with her friends]
It wasn’t easy leaving home, learning a new language, or even a new culture. But because of those experiences, it taught me to rely more on Jehovah.
[Sun shines over the Rocky Creek. Cameron emerges with her friends from the woods to a clearing]
Sometimes when we’re younger, we kind of get really involved in whatever environment we’re in.
[Laughing she hugs and greets friends. Friends fix plates of burgers and veggies]
When you step outside of that box and you experience something that you’ve never handled before,
[Throwing a soccer ball]
it helps you to grow as a person and serve Jehovah in ways you never thought were possible.
[Friends in Malawi throwing a soccer ball. Thousands of young Jehovah's Witnesses have volunteered to teach the Bible in distant lands]
My name is Cameron. I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. And I have the best life ever.
[Cameron peacefully smiles, as she stands at a bridge looking out at nature. Then she adjusts her backpack strap over her shoulder and walks into the distance]
(Logo: Black capital letters JW.ORG inside a white box. Copyright 2014 Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)